0116 279 2485

School Uniform


We believe that our uniform encourages a sense of pride in appearance and a feeling of belonging to the school family. This assists in developing high standards in other aspects of school life. All children are expected to wear our uniform and the rules concerning uniform are very clear and continually enforced.

  • The basic uniform comprises grey or black trousers or skirts, a white shirt or polo shirt and a blue jumper or cardigan. In the summer children can choose to wear blue and white summer dresses.
  • It is expected that haircuts will be conventional, and children are presented in a smart way.
  • Only black low-heeled shoes are allowed. No Trainers
  • Jewellery, including friendship and wrist bands, are not allowed. The only exception is where a child has pierced ears, and then one pair only of small plain studs are acceptable. Earrings must not be worn for PE.
  • Nail varnish or make-up is not permitted.
  • Skirts & girls shorts are to be of a reasonable length (i.e., knee length).

Unbranded school uniform can be purchased from any supplier including supermarkets. If you would like to purchase school branded items our uniform supplier is Gascoigne Clothing and orders can be placed directly via their website www.gascoigneclothing.com

Click on the SCHOOLS LOGIN tab and select “Kibworth CE Primary” from the drop-down list. The password is kibworth2017.

Products with a school logo can be purchased these include sweatshirts, cardigans, fleece jackets, PE t-shirts & PE bags.

PE Kits

Outdoor PE kit

  • A Warm Tracksuit
  • Outdoor Trainers
  • School T-shirt (red, green, yellow, blue – depending on House Colour)

Indoor PE Kit

  • School T-shirt (red, green, yellow, blue – depending on House colour)
  • Black Shorts
  • Plimsolls