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Kibworth Church of England Primary School’s

Mission Statement

Our vision for each member of our community stems from Matthew 5:16 It says;

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”


We believe that every child and adult can shine and that this can be for the benefit of all. We recognise that we are all special in God’s eyes and have unique talents, which we nurture so that each of us has the opportunity to become the very best person that God intended us to be. We want to encourage our children to aspire to great things and for the light of their lives to shine and make a difference in their classrooms, throughout the school and when they return home and into their community.

We also believe that developing a sense of self-worth is of paramount importance. Jesus said: ‘I am the light of the world’ (John 8:12). However, as he spoke to those around him during the Sermon on the Mount, he also used these words: ‘You are the light of the world’. In addition to letting their light shine on others, we want our children to recognise the value of their own light: to be proud of their personal achievements; to value and respect themselves; and to know how loved they are both by God and by others.

Our vision is unique to our school and recognises our links with the whole community of Kibworth. It tells everyone who we are and what makes us distinctive.

The Church of England education office definition is that the vision of a church school should be deeply Christian, serving the common good. Carolyn Lewis, Diocesan Director of Education urges us to be Scandalously Inclusive in all that we do.

‘Shine your light’ is everywhere at Kibworth.

  1. Children explain their light has shone when they have produced amazing work, choreographed a great dance, or created a fantastic image
  2. Stakeholders understand the Christian vision so that they can apply and integrate it across all developments within the school
  3. Our Christian vision is enshrined in our procedures and policies and in the practice of daily worship
  4. All our systems reflect ‘Shine a Light’ – including school reward systems, signage, displays, collective worship
  5. Our Christian ‘Shine a Light’ vision is fully promoted across our wider thematic curriculum and its understanding in both a secular and religious context

We work closely with our local church St Wilfrids, their Christian outreach charity – The Well, the Kibworth Wellbeing group, the Methodist church and a whole range of others. We chose our vision statement through talking to these bodies, our parents, our staff and our children and our board of advisors.