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Kibworth CE Primary School Advisory Board

Welcome to Kibworth’s Advisory Board

At Discovery Trust the Board of Trustees (sometimes known as the board of directors or governing body) is ultimately responsible for governance of the schools in the trust and is accountable for their performance. To support effective governance and oversight, the Board has delegated governance function to be carried out through committees, locally through each school Advisory Board and through the central executive team.

At Kibworth CofE Primary School the Foundation Committee, chaired by Revd Ludger Fremmer, works with the headteacher and all the staff to support the school’s development of our Christian values.

The Advisory Board consists of parents, staff, and community representatives; the Headteacher is a member of the Advisory Board by virtue of their office. Community Members are appointed by the Advisory Board and are people, who in the opinion of the Advisory Board, have the skills required to contribute to the work of the board; Parent and staff members are elected to the board by the parent and staff body respectively.

Foundation and Community Committee

The Advisory Board operates a Foundation and Community Committee which meets termly. The role of the committee is to protect, promote and develop the Christian character and distinctiveness of the school in partnership with the church and to help evidence the impact of the Christian vision on school performance.

Membership 2024-25

Revd. Ludger Fremmer (committee chair)

Elizabeth Scott

Nikki Matthew


Headteacher (ex-officio)
Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 4/4
No business interests declared 11.9.24

As Head Teacher, Nikki automatically becomes a member of the Advisory Board. As Head Teacher she is responsible for the leadership, organisation, management, and control of the school. It is her duty to inform the Advisory Board on the strategic development of the school and implement the Board’s strategic framework.

Andrew Petersen

Chair of the Advisory Board

Community member

Appointed Community member
Term of Office 20.09.23 – 19.09.24
Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 4/4
Business interests declared 9.10.24: Head of Quality (potential engagement if SCITT partnership , which includes Kibworth), University of Leicester since 2015; Spouse is Chair of Kibworth PTA.

Andrew became an advisory board member as he has a background in educational support and management and is really interested in getting more involved with the community in Kibworth, and the School is a central part of that.

Andrew works in Higher Education so is really interested in how the governance of the school can really contribute to improving outcomes for students.

He is appointed by the Advisory Board  as a Community Governor, and has responsibility for Humanities, which he finds really exciting as his own educational background is in History and Politics.

Andrew lives in Kibworth and has a little boy who is nearly two.

Brian Browne

Appointed Community member
Term of Office 7.3.24-6.3.27
Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 1/2
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 2/2
Business interests declared 20.12.24: Employee, Northamptonshire Children’s Trust Social Services since Feb’22; Company Director, Mastering Social Work since Jan’24; member of Social Work England since July’20.

Mick Beck

Elected Staff Member

Term of Office 27.9.24-26.9.27
Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 2/2
No business interests declared 28.8.24

Mick has been a member of staff at Kibworth since 2007. He has had many roles during this time including teaching in years 5 and 6 and leading Key stage 2. Since becoming Deputy headteacher in 2017 he has worked alongside the head teacher to ensure that curriculum and attainment are a strength of the school and that outcomes for the pupils are as strong as they can be. Prior to joining Kibworth he was a class teacher in a range of schools across Leicestershire and has worked in education for over 20 years. After being elected as the staff representative in 2018, he has represented the views of staff on the Advisory Board with a particular focus towards the implications of staff wellbeing and workload. He also shares the positive feedback from the AB to staff.

Revd. Ludger Fremmer

Rector of the Kibworth Benefice

Chair of Foundation Advisory Board Team

Foundation member (Ex-officio)
Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 2/4
Business interests declared 9.10.24: Rector at St Wilfrid’s Church of England since 2007; Trustee, Kibworth and Smeeton Religious Education Trust (registered charity) since 2007; wife is a Primary School teacher (not within Discovery).

Being an Advisory Board member at Kibworth CE Primary School gives me the opportunity to serve my local community, helping towards the wellbeing of children and staff, and ensuring our children can get the best educational start possible.

I consider it a privilege that I can give my time and energy towards a wonderful school with a great staff team and Head teacher.

As a Church of England school, Kibworth has Foundation Advisory Board members, appointed by the Diocese of Leicester, which is the team I am privileged to chair.

My main area of involvement is in Religious Education. This includes also taking assemblies, Church visits and activity days. The foundation governors are involved in helping the school be prepared for church school inspections (SIAMS), and we help the school formulate its vision and values.

We are glad to have many Christians from different churches involved in praying for the school, taking activities, running small groups such as ‘Faith Followers’ and working for the good of the school and the wider community. We also encourage strong links between the school and other Christian work in the community such as the Well, with its food bank, charity shop, prayer room and various support groups and activities.

Samuel Adcock

Elected Parent Member
Term of Office 12.3.24-11.3.27
Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at AB meetings 2023024: 1/1
Business interests declared 9.10.24: GP Partner in practice, Bushloe Surgery since 2009; Associate Professor in Medical Education, University of Leicester since 2017

Harmony Lansdown

Elected Parent Member
Term of Office 4.5.23-3.5.26
Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 4/4
Business interests declared 7.10.24: Employed by the University of Leicester since October 2015.

Elizabeth Scott

Appointed Foundation Member

Appointed Foundation member
Term of Office: 23.9.21-22.9.25
Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 4/4
No business interests declared 22.9.24

Liz became an Advisory Board member during the pandemic, having persevered to keep the links between the Primary School and the Christian Community in Kibworth going, through Prayer Spaces in Schools and the Pray for Schools group, which both have a long-standing connection with the school. She has been a Sunday clubs leader at St Wilfrid’s and supported the Children’s work with the School

Liz trained as a Nursery Nurse (NNEB Dip.) in the 1990s and since then has worked in Foundation and through out Primary education as a class TA, intervention group leader and 1:1 support. During this she has received training in all areas of Primary Education as well as specialist training in SEN support. She has experience of being both a staff and parent Governor during her working life. Liz is now retired but continues to support children’s work locally. She is a grandmother and member of various U3A groups and enjoys 1940’s dance.

Liz is keen to continue to build the connection with St Wilfrid’s, supporting the ethos of the school. She hopes to inspire the children and staff to dig deeper in their understanding of Christian Faith and enjoy the wider support of our Christian community. She is currently working with the school’s first class Chaplaincy Team.

Matthew Day

Appointed Community member & vice-chair
Term of Office: 1.11.23-31.10.26
Attendance at AB meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 2/3
Business interests declared 9.10.24: Strategy of Sound Ltd, music consulting & production

Scheme of Delegated Authority

Scheme of Delegation 2024/25

Governance Strategy

Governance Strategy V4.0

Get in Touch

If you have a passion for improving outcomes for children and would like to use your skills and expertise to contribute to the governance of our schools please get in touch by contacting the Trust Central team c/o clerk@discoveryschoolstrust.org.uk

You can contact our Chair of the Advisory Board, Andrew Petersen directly at
apetersen@dsatkibworth.org via the Trust Clerk

Board meeting minutes are available on request. Requests should be directed to the Trust Clerk clerk@discoverytrust.org

Click here to visit the DSAT website