Drizzle greeted us this morning, as well as a few weary eyes, ready for our first full day in Castleton. Room inspections were impressive this morning, with many rooms having made their beds immaculately. For breakfast today, it was cereal followed by a full cooked breakfast of hash browns, bacons, sausages, beans, and the children’s favourite- toast! With tummies full of food, we headed out for our first full day of activities.
This morning’s weather didn’t stop our hikers who made their way up Mam Tor. Once we reached the top, we were met with gale force winds, which called for a quick photo stop, before making our way back down to the Hollowford Centre via the broken road. If they weren’t at the top of a windy Mam Tor, the children who ventured offsite were abseiling down the bridge at Millers Dale or scrambling over rocks at Higger Tor.
After a filling lunch of paninis, crisps and a rice crispy cake, our afternoons were filled with heavy showers but again, that didn’t stop any of us having a great afternoon. Groups 6 and 7 headed down to the lakes which they zipped over before ‘sailing’ across it on their handcrafted rafts. Following showers to warm up from our wet and windy afternoons, it was time for a filling dinner and a delicious sticky toffee pudding followed by a fun filled evening of games. We can’t wait for a good night’s sleep ready for day 2 of activities!