0116 279 2485
Year 6 set off on their long-anticipated trip to Castleton this morning. After boarding the coaches on Hillcrest, we set 
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Updated Risk Assessment for school re-opening- August 2021
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Kibworth CE Primary School named as National Flexible Working Ambassador School. Kibworth CE Primary School has been appointed as the Flexible 
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We are pleased to launch a new monthly newsletter to promote Reading across the school. We hope to signpost everyone 
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School Re-Opening Risk Assessment – Updated March 21
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Kibworth CE Primary School Enquiries To contact the school please email: office@dsatkibworth.org IT Support: ITsupport@dsatkibworth.org Safeguarding: If you have any serious 
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Due to School Closures due to CoVID19 we have had to update our admissions arrangements to reflect the on going 
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We are continuing to keep you updated on the government’s response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Department for Education Coronavirus helpline Today, 
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