0116 279 2485

New Starter Information

Thank you for attending our Kibworth Live event. We hope it was helpful in helping you to choose our school as the setting for your child’s education. It was great to have such interesting questions and hope we provided an overview of our school, our vision and how we believe that learning is the key to the future. We have attached some useful documents that were mentioned at the meeting and the School Tour video.

Please remember that applications need to be made by 15th January 2023 on the Local Authority Portal. https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/popular-now/apply-for-a-primary-school-place

If you have any further questions, please call our School Office on 01162792485 or email office@dsatkibworth.org.

EYFS Welcome Video

Phonics Booklet


Transition Booklet

Phonics Websites:




EYFS Opening Evening 2023

Click Here to access the Opening Evening Powerpoint.

We hope you enjoy these videos of the EYFS staff sharing their favourite stories with you.

Mrs Cartwright

Mr Morgan

Mrs Tamgumus

Mrs Dandolo

Mrs Lum

Mrs Bartlett

Mrs Carson

Mrs Blake

Mrs Hirst